Chipmunk2D Pro API Reference
ChipmunkAbstractSampler | A sampler is an object that provides a basis function to build shapes from |
ChipmunkAbstractTileCache | A tile cache enables an efficient means of updating a large deformable terrain |
<ChipmunkBaseObject> | This protocol is implemented by objects that know how to add themselves to a space |
ChipmunkBasicTileCache | Generic tile cache. Configurable enough to be useful for most uses |
ChipmunkBitmapSampler | Generic sampler used with bitmap data |
ChipmunkBlockSampler | |
ChipmunkBody | Rigid bodies are the basic unit of simulation in Chipmunk |
ChipmunkCGContextSampler | Sampler built on top of a CGBitmapContext to allow deformable geometry |
ChipmunkCircleShape | A perfect circle shape |
ChipmunkConstraint | Constraints connect two ChipmunkBody objects together |
ChipmunkDampedRotarySpring | Like a ChipmunkDampedSpring, but operates in a rotational fashion |
ChipmunkDampedSpring | A spring with a damper |
ChipmunkGearJoint | Gear joints constrain the rotational speed of one body to another |
ChipmunkGrab | |
ChipmunkGrooveJoint | Groove joints hold a pivot point on one body to line along a line segment on another like a pin in a groove |
ChipmunkHastySpace | ChipmunkHastySpace is an Objective-Chipmunk wrapper for cpHastySpace |
ChipmunkImageSampler | A CGBitmapContext sampler initialized with an CGImage |
ChipmunkMultiGrab | Simple class to implement multitouch grabbing of physics objects |
<ChipmunkObject> | Allows you to add composite objects to a space in a single method call |
ChipmunkPinJoint | Pin joints hold a set distance between points on two bodies |
ChipmunkPivotJoint | Pivot joints hold two points on two bodies together allowing them to rotate freely around the pivot |
ChipmunkPointCloudSampler | A point cloud sampler allows you to perform deformable terrain like with a bitmap backed sampler, but without any bounds |
ChipmunkPointQueryInfo | |
ChipmunkPolyline | Wrapper for the cpPolyline type |
ChipmunkPolylineSet | Wrapper for the cpPolylineSet type |
ChipmunkPolyShape | A convex polygon shape |
ChipmunkRatchetJoint | Ratchet joints create rotary ratches similar to a socket wrench |
ChipmunkRotaryLimitJoint | Constrains the angle between two bodies |
ChipmunkSegmentQueryInfo | Holds collision information from segment queries. You should never need to create one |
ChipmunkSegmentShape | A beveled (rounded) segment shape |
ChipmunkShape | Abstract base class for collsion shape types |
ChipmunkShapeQueryInfo | Holds collision information from segment queries. You should never need to create one |
ChipmunkSimpleMotor | Simple motors make two objects spin relative to each other |
ChipmunkSlideJoint | Slide joints hold the distance between points on two bodies between a minimum and a maximum |
ChipmunkSpace | Chipmunk spaces are simulation containers |
cpArbiter | |
cpArbiterThread | |
cpArray | |
cpBB | Chipmunk's axis-aligned 2D bounding box type. (left, bottom, right, top) |
cpBody | |
cpCircleShape | |
cpCollisionHandler | Struct that holds function callback pointers to configure custom collision handling |
cpCollisionInfo | |
cpConstraint | |
cpConstraintClass | |
cpContact | |
cpContactPointSet | A struct that wraps up the important collision data for an arbiter |
cpDampedRotarySpring | |
cpDampedSpring | |
cpGearJoint | |
cpGrooveJoint | |
cpMat2x2 | |
cpPinJoint | |
cpPivotJoint | |
cpPointQueryInfo | Point query info struct |
cpPolyline | |
cpPolylineSet | Polyline sets are collections of polylines, generally built by cpMarchSoft() or cpMarchHard() |
cpPolyShape | |
cpPostStepCallback | |
cpRatchetJoint | |
cpRotaryLimitJoint | |
cpSegmentQueryInfo | Segment query info struct |
cpSegmentShape | |
cpShape | |
cpShapeClass | |
cpShapeFilter | Fast collision filtering type that is used to determine if two objects collide before calling collision or query callbacks |
cpShapeMassInfo | |
cpSimpleMotor | |
cpSlideJoint | |
cpSpace | |
cpSpaceDebugColor | Color type to use with the space debug drawing API |
cpSpaceDebugDrawOptions | Struct used with cpSpaceDebugDraw() containing drawing callbacks and other drawing settings |
cpSpatialIndexClass | |
cpSplittingPlane | |
cpTransform | Column major affine transform |
cpVect | |
NSArray(ChipmunkObject) | A category to have NSArray implement the ChipmunkObject protocol |