Chipmunk2D Pro API Reference  7.0.3
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ChipmunkBasicTileCache Class Reference

Generic tile cache. Configurable enough to be useful for most uses. More...

#import <ChipmunkTileCache.h>

Inherits ChipmunkAbstractTileCache.


cpFloat simplifyThreshold
 Threshold value used by cpPolylineSimplifyCurves().
cpFloat segmentRadius
 Radius of the generated segments.
cpFloat segmentFriction
 Friction of the generated segments.
cpFloat segmentElasticity
 Elasticity of the generated segments.
cpShapeFilter segmentFilter
 Collision filter of the generated segments.
cpCollisionType segmentCollisionType
 Collision type of the generated segments.
- Properties inherited from ChipmunkAbstractTileCache
bool marchHard
 Should the marching be hard or soft? See cpMarchHard() and cpMarchSoft() for more information. More...
cpVect tileOffset
 Offset of the tile grid origin.
 The sampling function to use.

Additional Inherited Members

- Instance Methods inherited from ChipmunkAbstractTileCache
(id) - initWithSampler:space:tileSize:samplesPerTile:cacheSize:
 Create the cache from the given sampler, space to add the generated segments to, size of the tiles, and the number of samples for each tile. More...
(void) - resetCache
 Clear out all the cached tiles to force a full regen.
(void) - markDirtyRect:
 Mark a region as needing an update. More...
(void) - ensureRect:
 Ensure that the given rect has been fully generated and contains no dirty rects.
(cpPolyline *) - simplify:
 Override this in a subclass to make custom polygon simplification behavior. More...
(ChipmunkSegmentShape *) - makeSegmentFor:from:to:
 Override this method to construct the segment shapes. More...

Detailed Description

Generic tile cache. Configurable enough to be useful for most uses.

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