Chipmunk2D Pro API Reference
Misc | |
Basic Types | Most of these types can be configured at compile time |
Chipmunk Unsafe Shape Operations | These functions are used for mutating collision shapes |
cpArbiter | The cpArbiter struct tracks pairs of colliding shapes |
cpBB | Chipmunk's axis-aligned 2D bounding box type along with a few handy routines |
cpBody | Chipmunk's rigid body type |
cpConstraint | |
cpDampedRotarySpring | |
cpDampedSpring | |
cpGearJoint | |
cpGrooveJoint | |
cpPinJoint | |
cpPivotJoint | |
cpPolyShape | |
cpRatchetJoint | |
cpRotaryLimitJoint | |
cpShape | The cpShape struct defines the shape of a rigid body |
cpCircleShape | |
cpSegmentShape | |
cpSimpleMotor | |
cpSlideJoint | |
cpSpace | |
cpSpatialIndex | Spatial indexes are data structures that are used to accelerate collision detection and spatial queries |
cpVect | Chipmunk's 2D vector type along with a handy 2D vector math lib |
cpMat2x2 | 2x2 matrix type used for tensors and such |