Chipmunk2D Pro API Reference  7.0.3
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Chipmunk's rigid body type. More...


typedef void(* cpBodyVelocityFunc )(cpBody *body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt)
 Rigid body velocity update function type.
typedef void(* cpBodyPositionFunc )(cpBody *body, cpFloat dt)
 Rigid body position update function type.
typedef void(* cpBodyShapeIteratorFunc )(cpBody *body, cpShape *shape, void *data)
 Body/shape iterator callback function type.
typedef void(* cpBodyConstraintIteratorFunc )(cpBody *body, cpConstraint *constraint, void *data)
 Body/constraint iterator callback function type.
typedef void(* cpBodyArbiterIteratorFunc )(cpBody *body, cpArbiter *arbiter, void *data)
 Body/arbiter iterator callback function type.




CP_EXPORT cpBodycpBodyAlloc (void)
 Allocate a cpBody.
CP_EXPORT cpBodycpBodyInit (cpBody *body, cpFloat mass, cpFloat moment)
 Initialize a cpBody.
CP_EXPORT cpBodycpBodyNew (cpFloat mass, cpFloat moment)
 Allocate and initialize a cpBody.
CP_EXPORT cpBodycpBodyNewKinematic (void)
 Allocate and initialize a cpBody, and set it as a kinematic body.
CP_EXPORT cpBodycpBodyNewStatic (void)
 Allocate and initialize a cpBody, and set it as a static body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyDestroy (cpBody *body)
 Destroy a cpBody.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyFree (cpBody *body)
 Destroy and free a cpBody.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyActivate (cpBody *body)
 Wake up a sleeping or idle body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyActivateStatic (cpBody *body, cpShape *filter)
 Wake up any sleeping or idle bodies touching a static body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySleep (cpBody *body)
 Force a body to fall asleep immediately.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySleepWithGroup (cpBody *body, cpBody *group)
 Force a body to fall asleep immediately along with other bodies in a group.
CP_EXPORT cpBool cpBodyIsSleeping (const cpBody *body)
 Returns true if the body is sleeping.
CP_EXPORT cpBodyType cpBodyGetType (cpBody *body)
 Get the type of the body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetType (cpBody *body, cpBodyType type)
 Set the type of the body.
CP_EXPORT cpSpacecpBodyGetSpace (const cpBody *body)
 Get the space this body is added to.
CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpBodyGetMass (const cpBody *body)
 Get the mass of the body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetMass (cpBody *body, cpFloat m)
 Set the mass of the body.
CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpBodyGetMoment (const cpBody *body)
 Get the moment of inertia of the body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetMoment (cpBody *body, cpFloat i)
 Set the moment of inertia of the body.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpBodyGetPosition (const cpBody *body)
 Set the position of a body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetPosition (cpBody *body, cpVect pos)
 Set the position of the body.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpBodyGetCenterOfGravity (const cpBody *body)
 Get the offset of the center of gravity in body local coordinates.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetCenterOfGravity (cpBody *body, cpVect cog)
 Set the offset of the center of gravity in body local coordinates.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpBodyGetVelocity (const cpBody *body)
 Get the velocity of the body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetVelocity (cpBody *body, cpVect velocity)
 Set the velocity of the body.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpBodyGetForce (const cpBody *body)
 Get the force applied to the body for the next time step.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetForce (cpBody *body, cpVect force)
 Set the force applied to the body for the next time step.
CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpBodyGetAngle (const cpBody *body)
 Get the angle of the body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetAngle (cpBody *body, cpFloat a)
 Set the angle of a body.
CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpBodyGetAngularVelocity (const cpBody *body)
 Get the angular velocity of the body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetAngularVelocity (cpBody *body, cpFloat angularVelocity)
 Set the angular velocity of the body.
CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpBodyGetTorque (const cpBody *body)
 Get the torque applied to the body for the next time step.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetTorque (cpBody *body, cpFloat torque)
 Set the torque applied to the body for the next time step.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpBodyGetRotation (const cpBody *body)
 Get the rotation vector of the body. (The x basis vector of it's transform.)
CP_EXPORT cpDataPointer cpBodyGetUserData (const cpBody *body)
 Get the user data pointer assigned to the body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetUserData (cpBody *body, cpDataPointer userData)
 Set the user data pointer assigned to the body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetVelocityUpdateFunc (cpBody *body, cpBodyVelocityFunc velocityFunc)
 Set the callback used to update a body's velocity.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetPositionUpdateFunc (cpBody *body, cpBodyPositionFunc positionFunc)
 Set the callback used to update a body's position. More...
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyUpdateVelocity (cpBody *body, cpVect gravity, cpFloat damping, cpFloat dt)
 Default velocity integration function..
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyUpdatePosition (cpBody *body, cpFloat dt)
 Default position integration function.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpBodyLocalToWorld (const cpBody *body, const cpVect point)
 Convert body relative/local coordinates to absolute/world coordinates.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpBodyWorldToLocal (const cpBody *body, const cpVect point)
 Convert body absolute/world coordinates to relative/local coordinates.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyApplyForceAtWorldPoint (cpBody *body, cpVect force, cpVect point)
 Apply a force to a body. Both the force and point are expressed in world coordinates.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyApplyForceAtLocalPoint (cpBody *body, cpVect force, cpVect point)
 Apply a force to a body. Both the force and point are expressed in body local coordinates.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyApplyImpulseAtWorldPoint (cpBody *body, cpVect impulse, cpVect point)
 Apply an impulse to a body. Both the impulse and point are expressed in world coordinates.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyApplyImpulseAtLocalPoint (cpBody *body, cpVect impulse, cpVect point)
 Apply an impulse to a body. Both the impulse and point are expressed in body local coordinates.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpBodyGetVelocityAtWorldPoint (const cpBody *body, cpVect point)
 Get the velocity on a body (in world units) at a point on the body in world coordinates.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpBodyGetVelocityAtLocalPoint (const cpBody *body, cpVect point)
 Get the velocity on a body (in world units) at a point on the body in local coordinates.
CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpBodyKineticEnergy (const cpBody *body)
 Get the amount of kinetic energy contained by the body.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyEachShape (cpBody *body, cpBodyShapeIteratorFunc func, void *data)
 Call func once for each shape attached to body and added to the space.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyEachConstraint (cpBody *body, cpBodyConstraintIteratorFunc func, void *data)
 Call func once for each constraint attached to body and added to the space.
CP_EXPORT void cpBodyEachArbiter (cpBody *body, cpBodyArbiterIteratorFunc func, void *data)
 Call func once for each arbiter that is currently active on the body.

Detailed Description

Chipmunk's rigid body type.

Rigid bodies hold the physical properties of an object like it's mass, and position and velocity of it's center of gravity. They don't have an shape on their own. They are given a shape by creating collision shapes (cpShape) that point to the body.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum cpBodyType

A dynamic body is one that is affected by gravity, forces, and collisions.

This is the default body type.


A kinematic body is an infinite mass, user controlled body that is not affected by gravity, forces or collisions.

Instead the body only moves based on it's velocity. Dynamic bodies collide normally with kinematic bodies, though the kinematic body will be unaffected. Collisions between two kinematic bodies, or a kinematic body and a static body produce collision callbacks, but no collision response.


A static body is a body that never (or rarely) moves.

If you move a static body, you must call one of the cpSpaceReindex*() functions. Chipmunk uses this information to optimize the collision detection. Static bodies do not produce collision callbacks when colliding with other static bodies.

Function Documentation

CP_EXPORT void cpBodySetPositionUpdateFunc ( cpBody body,
cpBodyPositionFunc  positionFunc 

Set the callback used to update a body's position.

NOTE: It's not generally recommended to override this unless you call the default position update function.