Chipmunk2D Pro API Reference  7.0.3
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Typedefs | Functions


typedef cpFloat(* cpDampedSpringForceFunc )(cpConstraint *spring, cpFloat dist)
 Function type used for damped spring force callbacks.


CP_EXPORT cpBool cpConstraintIsDampedSpring (const cpConstraint *constraint)
 Check if a constraint is a slide joint.
CP_EXPORT cpDampedSpringcpDampedSpringAlloc (void)
 Allocate a damped spring.
CP_EXPORT cpDampedSpringcpDampedSpringInit (cpDampedSpring *joint, cpBody *a, cpBody *b, cpVect anchorA, cpVect anchorB, cpFloat restLength, cpFloat stiffness, cpFloat damping)
 Initialize a damped spring.
CP_EXPORT cpConstraintcpDampedSpringNew (cpBody *a, cpBody *b, cpVect anchorA, cpVect anchorB, cpFloat restLength, cpFloat stiffness, cpFloat damping)
 Allocate and initialize a damped spring.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpDampedSpringGetAnchorA (const cpConstraint *constraint)
 Get the location of the first anchor relative to the first body.
CP_EXPORT void cpDampedSpringSetAnchorA (cpConstraint *constraint, cpVect anchorA)
 Set the location of the first anchor relative to the first body.
CP_EXPORT cpVect cpDampedSpringGetAnchorB (const cpConstraint *constraint)
 Get the location of the second anchor relative to the second body.
CP_EXPORT void cpDampedSpringSetAnchorB (cpConstraint *constraint, cpVect anchorB)
 Set the location of the second anchor relative to the second body.
CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpDampedSpringGetRestLength (const cpConstraint *constraint)
 Get the rest length of the spring.
CP_EXPORT void cpDampedSpringSetRestLength (cpConstraint *constraint, cpFloat restLength)
 Set the rest length of the spring.
CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpDampedSpringGetStiffness (const cpConstraint *constraint)
 Get the stiffness of the spring in force/distance.
CP_EXPORT void cpDampedSpringSetStiffness (cpConstraint *constraint, cpFloat stiffness)
 Set the stiffness of the spring in force/distance.
CP_EXPORT cpFloat cpDampedSpringGetDamping (const cpConstraint *constraint)
 Get the damping of the spring.
CP_EXPORT void cpDampedSpringSetDamping (cpConstraint *constraint, cpFloat damping)
 Set the damping of the spring.
CP_EXPORT cpDampedSpringForceFunc cpDampedSpringGetSpringForceFunc (const cpConstraint *constraint)
 Get the damping of the spring.
CP_EXPORT void cpDampedSpringSetSpringForceFunc (cpConstraint *constraint, cpDampedSpringForceFunc springForceFunc)
 Set the damping of the spring.

Detailed Description