Chipmunk2D Pro API Reference  7.0.3
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Functions | Variables

Chipmunk's 2D vector type along with a handy 2D vector math lib. More...


static cpVect cpv (const cpFloat x, const cpFloat y)
 Convenience constructor for cpVect structs.
static cpBool cpveql (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 Check if two vectors are equal. (Be careful when comparing floating point numbers!)
static cpVect cpvadd (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 Add two vectors.
static cpVect cpvsub (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 Subtract two vectors.
static cpVect cpvneg (const cpVect v)
 Negate a vector.
static cpVect cpvmult (const cpVect v, const cpFloat s)
 Scalar multiplication.
static cpFloat cpvdot (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 Vector dot product.
static cpFloat cpvcross (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 2D vector cross product analog. More...
static cpVect cpvperp (const cpVect v)
 Returns a perpendicular vector. (90 degree rotation)
static cpVect cpvrperp (const cpVect v)
 Returns a perpendicular vector. (-90 degree rotation)
static cpVect cpvproject (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 Returns the vector projection of v1 onto v2.
static cpVect cpvforangle (const cpFloat a)
 Returns the unit length vector for the given angle (in radians).
static cpFloat cpvtoangle (const cpVect v)
 Returns the angular direction v is pointing in (in radians).
static cpVect cpvrotate (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 Uses complex number multiplication to rotate v1 by v2. Scaling will occur if v1 is not a unit vector.
static cpVect cpvunrotate (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 Inverse of cpvrotate().
static cpFloat cpvlengthsq (const cpVect v)
 Returns the squared length of v. Faster than cpvlength() when you only need to compare lengths.
static cpFloat cpvlength (const cpVect v)
 Returns the length of v.
static cpVect cpvlerp (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2, const cpFloat t)
 Linearly interpolate between v1 and v2.
static cpVect cpvnormalize (const cpVect v)
 Returns a normalized copy of v.
static cpVect cpvslerp (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2, const cpFloat t)
 Spherical linearly interpolate between v1 and v2.
static cpVect cpvslerpconst (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2, const cpFloat a)
 Spherical linearly interpolate between v1 towards v2 by no more than angle a radians.
static cpVect cpvclamp (const cpVect v, const cpFloat len)
 Clamp v to length len.
static cpVect cpvlerpconst (cpVect v1, cpVect v2, cpFloat d)
 Linearly interpolate between v1 towards v2 by distance d.
static cpFloat cpvdist (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 Returns the distance between v1 and v2.
static cpFloat cpvdistsq (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2)
 Returns the squared distance between v1 and v2. Faster than cpvdist() when you only need to compare distances.
static cpBool cpvnear (const cpVect v1, const cpVect v2, const cpFloat dist)
 Returns true if the distance between v1 and v2 is less than dist.


static const cpVect cpvzero = {0.0f,0.0f}
 Constant for the zero vector.

Detailed Description

Chipmunk's 2D vector type along with a handy 2D vector math lib.

Chipmunk's 2D vector type.

Function Documentation

static cpFloat cpvcross ( const cpVect  v1,
const cpVect  v2 

2D vector cross product analog.

The cross product of 2D vectors results in a 3D vector with only a z component. This function returns the magnitude of the z value.